lundi 27 octobre 2008

Margueritte de la Motte The Hope 1920 Herbert Blache

The Hope 1920 Herbert Blache Bolton
Marguerite De la Motte (1902-1950)
Ruth Stonehouse (1892 1941)

From Blue Book of the Screen (1923)

IF the stars had been consulted when Marguerite De La Motte first saw the light of day, in June, 1903, they would have foretold great beauty, great sorrow and great success for her before she reached the age of twenty.

While "Peggy" was a small child her father, a Duluth attorney, moved with his family to San Diego. Here she received her education and made her first public appearance as a dancer.

When she came to Los Angeles "Peggy" was established as a dancer, and at the age of fourteen appeared at a local theater in a solo dance created by herself.

Already she showed signs of becoming a great beauty - a figure slim and tiny, light brown hair that hung in long curls, small chiseled features, a brilliant smile and teeth, large, luminous hazel eyes, and long curling lashes. It was this school girl of fifteen who attracted the attention of Douglas Fairbanks. The famous star engaged her for the part of "Lena" in his production of "Arizona," and-she had "arrived." Her next picture work was in "The Sagebrusher" and "The U. P. Trail" in the featured roles. Then J. L. Frothingham, known as "a picker of stars," engaged her for a part in one of his productions, and it was while engaged in this picture that Marguerite lost her parents through a tragic automobile accident which left the little girl of sixteen and her younger brother orphans. Mr. Frothingham was appointed guardian of the two children and it was managership of this guardianship and later support which piloted little "Peggy" to phenomenal heights and success.

When she was 16 her parents were killed in a car crash. Producer J.L. Frothingham, for whom she was working at the time, assumed guardianship of both Marguerite and her sister.
